Since my last blog I have been traveling. Traveling has a way of helping us let go of the roles that we undertake in our daily life. Who am I when I am not being a healer, a partner, a lover, a friend? For others it is a mother, a care taker, or the warrior. I spent the last month letting most of my experiences shape me. I resisted the urge to control situations, and didn’t let myself shy away from not being seen on my journey. I was called to Chaco Canyon a few years ago when traveling through the Southwest. I had no idea why, but knew I had to go back. Well, let me tell you 2 days is not enough time to explore that place. We arrived on the full moon. Driving there I let go of all fear. Many people would have turned around there is 4 miles of rough road, and white knuckling grip to the steering wheel. We woke to a thunder and rain in the middle of the night, and yet experienced a dry night. I felt that night was the beginning of a journey so to speak. That the land was asking us to let go of things that no longer served us. We had no idea where we wanted to go, but knew we would explore the ruins. As we got ready to leave for the ruins, we got side-tracked helping someone who left their camp ground in a hurry leaving a bag behind. Before setting off on our own adventure, we went to the information center and filled out forms for their lost bag. As the universe started conspiring, we walked to our first site and ran into the family that had been camping beside us. I asked them, “did you leave a bag?” They said no. Then my partner described it. The little boy said “oh my god, that is mine!” They were so happy that we had found it. It felt good connecting with this other family, and helping them find what was lost. When we got back to the parking lot I went to the bathroom. On my way out, an older women said to me that she was having a hard time breathing, we were way up in altitude. She and I chatted for a bit and I learned she was from Texas which coincidentally, is where we were going next. As I left her, I met her partner who was waiting for her in the parking lot. After I explained that she was still in the bath room, my partner and I started chatting to him. He told us that he had popped his tire coming into the canyon. When it became clear that he had no help my partner offered to change it. What transpired next was amazing. They offered to share watermelon with us. As we started talking they told us the story of how they met. They had gotten married as teenagers, they were 17 and their mothers did not get along. Because it was important at that time that there families were unable to come together they divorced, and ended up married other people for 50 years. They are in their 80's now. They got reacquainted because he had looked her up. She had just had a stroke, and was in recovery. He called 3 times, but she never answered. He decided to leave town, and was getting ready to drive back home to Louisiana when he turned around and decided to go to her house. She recognized him immediately. They have been together now for a year. In our culture, we tend to avoid interacting with strangers. Someone else could help them…but because we showed up, creator gave us a lesson. A beautiful lesson. We are all guilty of ignoring people when we are walking down the street. Walking around situations because we would have to get involved. We use our phones or computers to not interact with others. I challenge you to walk up to someone you would not have a conversation with normally, and show them some love and compassion. What I have realized is that life is more beautiful when we need help from others. It is the connections and exchange of one needing help, and the other offering it that creates beauty in the world. We forget that in our ego driven capitalistic world! We met this lovely couple on their 3 month road trip. In August, they are getting married at the Church of Elvis. What is amazing to me is that these people are soulmates. They reminded me of teenagers in love, flirting and just happy to be together. She has a hard time walking from the stroke, and he has had heart surgery….but none of that mattered. They are in LOVE. The big love that some of us only get to have one time in our present lives. They are getting to have it twice! So what did I get from this story? Love is what guides our lives. We allow ourselves to think it is getting the house that we want or whatever material object that we are buying. Where we go on vacation or whatever accomplishment we have been working toward. The truth is none of this marks time like who we love, and how we love them! So the question for this summer is who have you loved throughout your life? How has that love affected you? What story have you built around who you are? What would it look like to let that story go, and explore the freedom of your authentic self!?! The Change of Season! Self Care! A little reminder that this is the time of year that starts to become the change in seasons. From August to September my practice gets busy with people catching viruses. Be preventive! Acupuncture is a great way to boost the immune system. Of course get acupuncture, take Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and a good pro-biotic to keep your immune system up!! Ask me for my 35% off Discount on Immune Boosting supplements, and herbs(good through Sept)!
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November 2024