Acupuncture Advantages
As an effective natural medicine, acupuncture has been used for over 5,000 years. It can deliver you to higher levels of health and wellness. Acupuncture is a medically safe, minimally invasive process which focuses on supporting your body’s unique physical, emotional and spiritual constitution. Some people express fear about the use of needles and wonder how to let go of those fears to actually get the benefit of acupuncture.
It’s totally common for those who feared needles to express that when they actually tried acupuncture, they never even felt them go in. I tend to use smaller gauge needles (36-42)—which tends to be considered a Japanese style. There are bigger needles which run (28-34 gauge), and even these size needles are still not so intense for the patient. When you go to get your blood drawn it tends to be an 18 gauge needle, and this is why acupuncture is not like getting your blood drawn. Every person is different and has different levels of sensitivity. Most people experience a warming sensation and find they slip into a deep relaxation or what others call a meditative state.
As an effective natural medicine, acupuncture has been used for over 5,000 years. It can deliver you to higher levels of health and wellness. Acupuncture is a medically safe, minimally invasive process which focuses on supporting your body’s unique physical, emotional and spiritual constitution. Some people express fear about the use of needles and wonder how to let go of those fears to actually get the benefit of acupuncture.
It’s totally common for those who feared needles to express that when they actually tried acupuncture, they never even felt them go in. I tend to use smaller gauge needles (36-42)—which tends to be considered a Japanese style. There are bigger needles which run (28-34 gauge), and even these size needles are still not so intense for the patient. When you go to get your blood drawn it tends to be an 18 gauge needle, and this is why acupuncture is not like getting your blood drawn. Every person is different and has different levels of sensitivity. Most people experience a warming sensation and find they slip into a deep relaxation or what others call a meditative state.